Safety + Comfort since 2000
What Creates Patient Loyalty
A cancer center director told us that their patients are most concerned with three things:
Their relationship with their nurse
How close they can park to the front door
Their Chemotherapy recliner
First, Do No Harm
Both TSK Products' nurses and engineers have Safety ingrained into everything we do daily and every product we sell. It is core to our values and is evident in our approach to product development and selection.
Then, Employ Patients-Centric Design
Having set safety attributes, our next driving force is to strive to make treatment, exams, procedures as comfortable as possible. There may be a very sexy addition to an infusion recliner - say, a USB charging port - that everyone agrees is fantastic. But we also pay attention to the small details, like a soft surface for a bedpan, that mostly goes unnoticed by anyone not sitting on one.